Bariatrics Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

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Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery that involves creation of small pouch from stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine. With the small stomach size, you feel fuller and eat less food. This is a restrictive strategy to hold the amount of food, which ultimately reduces the calorie intake and induces weight loss. This surgery is considered for people with body-mass index (BMI) greater than 40.

How It Works

It is a very common type of surgery due to effective weight loss results. In this surgery, the stomach is divided into large and small portions. A nominal part of the stomach is stapled to make a pouch. Then, the newly created small pouch is disconnected from the majority of stomach and connects it to the small intestine slightly farther down, bypassing most of your stomach and initial section of your small intestine.


Roux-en-Y gastric bypass usually have dramatic weight loss results and on an average, people lose 60% of their extra weight. This procedure also improve other weight related health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea. At the same time, it requires lifestyle changes along with exercise routine.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

This procedure leads to weight loss by restricting the food intake of your body. It is a very successful weight loss procedure for people with the BMI of more than 40. Sleeve gastrectomy results in effective weight loss as it eliminates a portion of stomach. This procedure does not require any foreign body implantation and rather it re-route your digestive process to help you eat less and feel sated.

How It Works

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed laparoscopically to remove almost major percentage of the stomach and give a shape of a “sleeve” or “tube” to the stomach, which holds very less food. This procedure and involves small incisions in the stomach. The laparoscope is inserted in the stomach and other medical instruments are used to remove maximum part of your stomach. Unlike the gastrectomy and gastric bypass, Sleeve gastrectomy is a permanent procedure and cannot be reversed.


This procedure has reported rapid and effective weight loss results ranging from 60-70%; and adhering to diet and lifestyle guidelines leads to better weight loss results. With regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and right food choices, the weight loss can be well-maintained in long term.

Mini Gastric Bypass

Mini gastric bypass has gained a lot of attention in recent years, especially because of the excellent weight loss results and resolution of comorbidities. It is a minimal invasive procedure, requires less time in the operating room, less prone to internal hernias, easily amenable to reversal, provides good metabolic and weight loss results. This procedure has relatively bigger stomach pouch as compared to other surgeries, which gives you luxury to eat moderate volume of food and still lose significant weight.

How It Works

Mini gastric bypass works with the combination of restriction and malabsorption concept, that gives a two-way weight loss effect. This variation of gastric bypass has a different technique as it has a bigger gastric pouch and closes the significant portion of the stomach. It delays the process of emptying the stomach and results in longer fullness feeling.


This weight loss procedure brought a revolutionary change in the bariatric surgery as patients can start eating within days of bypass unlike being on liquid diet for 6 weeks after traditional weight loss surgeries. Mini gastric bypass provides approximately 60% to 80% excess weight loss by reducing the appetite and enhancing satiety.

Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Switch

This is a unique type of bariatric surgery and involves a single surgical anastomosis. The purpose of this unique surgical technique is to reduce the loop of the intestine where nutrients get absorbed. This surgery is recommended for patients with morbid obesity and is based on the biliopancreatic diversion in which a sleeve gastrectomy is followed by an end-to-side duodeno–ileal diversion.

How It Works

The procedure involves a laparoscopic surgery to be performed in which a small gastric sleeve needs to be created by removing the greater part of the stomach, such as in the sleeve technique. This technique offers excellent weight loss and metabolic results.


Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Switch reduces operative time and decreases the possibility of surgically related complications. Patients can get the satisfactory results in weight loss after undergoing this surgery.

Banded Gastric Bypass

The banded gastric bypass surgery is conducted with the laparoscopic banding procedure to help with the weight loss. The silicone band needs to be placed circling the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch that can hold food. The surgical procedure includes small cuts to the stomach for placing the adjustable band. This results in the stomach getting pressed which can hold only small amount of food. The purpose is to limit your food intake and making you feel fuller with small amount of food.

How It Works

The banded gastric bypass involves the placement of inflatable band around the upper area of stomach that separates the stomach into two sections. The band can be adjusted (loosened or tightened) as required to improve weight loss and reduce side effects. The band is controlled with the access port under the abdomen skin. However, the procedure can be reversed if required, and the stomach returns to its usual size over a brief span of time.


Gastric banding surgery is recommended to people with severe obesity, when the body-mass index (BMI) is over 35. The surgery usually leads to the weight loss of about 35% to 45% but it varies widely. This procedure provides effective weight loss results and does not interfere with food absorption but lifestyle and dietary changes are required to maintain the results.

Banded Sleeve

The banded sleeve is conducted with the laparoscopic banding procedure to support weight loss. The silicone band is placed circling the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch that can hold food. The surgical procedure includes small cuts to the stomach for placing the adjustable band. This results in the stomach getting pressed which can hold only small amount of food. The purpose is to limit your food intake and making you feel fuller with small amount of food.

How It Works

The banded sleeve involves the placement of inflatable band around the upper area of stomach that separates the stomach into two sections. The band is controlled with the access port under the abdomen skin. However, the procedure can be reversed if required, and the stomach returns to its usual size over a brief span of time.


The surgery usually leads to the weight loss of about 35% to 45% but it varies widely. This procedure provides effective weight loss results and does not interfere with food absorption but lifestyle and dietary changes are required to maintain the results.

Adjustable gastric banding

This surgery is suggested for patients with a BMI of 35 or above. Also known as lap banding or Realize banding, adjustable gastric band surgery promotes excess weight loss (about 40-50%). It is specifically designed for obese patients with comorbidities such as GERD, metabolic syndrome, osteoarthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

How It Works

This laparoscopic surgery is done by making small incisions in the upper abdomen. The surgeon puts an adjustable band around the top part of the abdomen to create a small-sized pouch which holds about half a cup of food instead of 6 cups (that the entire stomach holds). It ultimately means that you’ll feel satiated, even if you eat a small quantity of food. And thus, gastric band surgery triggers weight-loss.


Patients who undergo adjustable gastric banding surgery don’t have to take risk of getting stomach cut or reroute their intestines. These patients live a healthier life by spending time doing physical activities and eating healthy. Benefits of gastric banding include short hospital stay, quick recovery, no cutting or stapling of the stomach, fewer life-threatening complications, and no malabsorption issues.

Biliopancreatic Diversion/Duodenal Switch

A biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) is a bariatric procedure that involves two major steps. First, a smaller, tubular stomach pouch is created by removing a portion of the stomach, very similar to the sleeve gastrectomy. Next, a large portion of the small intestine is bypassed. This is a less common weight loss procedure that limits the amount of food eaten by a patient and reduces the abortion of nutrients, including fats and proteins.

How It Works

A biliopancreatic diversion changes the normal process of digestion by making the stomach smaller. It allows food to bypass part of the small intestine so that you absorb fewer calories. This surgery is for super obese people who haven’t been able to lose weight any other way. Super obesity means that you have a BMI (body mass index) of 50 or higher.


Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get full more quickly when you eat. It Allows patients to eventually eat near “normal” meals as it reduces the absorption of fat by 70 percent or more. Biliopancreatic Diversion/Duodenal Switch causes favorable changes in gut hormones to reduce appetite and improve satiety.

Ileal Interposition- Diverted/Non Diverted

The ileal Interposition is a metabolic bariatric surgery procedure. This procedure is used to treat overweight diabetic patients through surgical means. Those type 2 diabetic patients who cannot have blood sugar control after treatments and want to reduce weight should consider this option. Those patients who are suffering from organ damage can also consider this procedure.

How It Works

An ileum is the distal part of the small intestine. Once procedure of performing this surgery includes placing of ileum, either between stomach and the proximal part of the small intestine. The other procedure includes placing the ileum to the proximal part of the small intestine without touching the natural connections of the stomach.


Ileal Interposition can be performed on patients with a broad range of BMI. This procedure does not necessitate any additional vitamin supplement with the exception of patients who already need iron, B12 vitamin and D vitamin supplement prior to the surgery.

Complex Bariatric Revision

Bariatric revision surgery is performed to either repair, change or enhance a previous weight loss surgery. This surgery is suggested for patients who experience less-than-optimal level of weight loss or regain weight after undergoing any of the bariatric surgery. Bariatric revision surgery can also be performed if patients experience complications from an initial bariatric procedure.

How It Works

This surgery is helpful for correcting complications from a previous weight loss procedure or for enhancing weight loss results. Surgeons perform revision procedures laparoscopically. Patients may need to have open surgery if their initial weight loss surgery caused extensive scarring.


The results from a bariatric surgery revision may vary between patients.And the reduction of weight from this revision is generally less than the initial bariatric procedure. However, many patients who initially experienced a lap band surgery can expect significant weight loss after a conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

SILS Bariatric Surgery

Scarless Sleeve

Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS) has been introduced as an alternative to the multiport laparoscopic procedures. This new approach is conducted with a single incision through the belly button and is considered to be safer and less invasive. After the incision, the major portion of stomach is removed to re-route your digestive process and help you feel sated with less quantity of food.

How It Works

This procedure minimizes the surgical trauma of patients as it is conducted with a single incision in the body. A flexible tip laparoscope is used for the visualization and the excised portion of stomach is removed through the umbilical incision. Single incision (SILS) has the added benefits of little to no scars, reduced post-operative pain and quicker recovery. The complication rate is lower in single incision (SILS) as it is less invasive.


Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve is a harmless and feasible approach for weight loss. It helps the patient reduce about 60% to 70% of the excess weight. This has been achieved without decreasing the quality of surgery or the results.

Scarless Bypass

This is an advanced weight loss technique with minimal invasion. Benefits of scarless bypass include – quicker recovery, no visible scars, less post-operative pain, and reduced complications. It is performed with refined technologies even without the traditional laparoscopic instruments. The surgery has been proved to have the most effective, and offer durable weight loss results.

How It Works

This procedure is a minimally invasive weight loss surgery with no scars and quicker recovery time. A flexible tip laparoscope is used for the visualization and the excised portion of the stomach is removed through the umbilical incision. Using this innovative technique, the portion of your stomach is bypassed that reduces the hunger and food intake up to a maximum extent. minimizes the surgical trauma of patients as it is conducted with a single incision in the body.


The procedure usually leads to about 60% to 70% excess weight loss. In most of the cases, the patients report an early sense of fullness in the stomach, with a sense of satisfaction. There are also major improvements in sleep apnea, depression, high blood pressure, and Type-II diabetes.

Scarless Mini Gastric Bypass

Scarless Mini gastric bypass provides excellent weight loss results with the minimally invasive procedure. After this procedure, the patient has a relatively bigger stomach pouch as compared to other surgeries. Thus, they can treat themselves by eating a moderate amount of food and still lose remarkable weight.
It is conducted with a single incision instead of the traditional four or more laparoscopic incisions. The added benefits include little to no scars, reduced post-operative pain because of the single incision and quicker recovery.

How It Works

Scarless Mini gastric bypass works with the combination of restriction and malabsorption concept, that gives a two-way weight loss effect. This variation of the gastric bypass has a different technique as it has a bigger gastric pouch and closes the significant portion of the stomach. As a result, it delays the process of emptying the stomach and results in longer fullness feeling.


Scarless Mini gastric bypass has brought a radical change in the bariatric surgery as people undergoing this procedure can eat within a few days of bypass unlike being on a liquid diet for 6 weeks. Mini gastric bypass offers approximately 60% to 80% excess weight loss by reducing the appetite and enhancing satiety.

Robotic Bariatric Surgery

Robotic Sleeve

Robotic sleeve gastrectomy induces weight loss by restricting the food intake of your body. It is a very successful weight loss procedure for people with a BMI greater than 40. This procedure results in effective, less painful weight loss as it removes a large part of the stomach, that secretes hunger hormone known as “Ghrelin”. This hormone is the major reason for the patient’s appetite and hunger. The loss of appetite helps people reduce weight. Robotic sleeve gastrectomy does not require any foreign body implantation and rather it re-routes your digestive process to help you eat less and feel sated.

How It Works

Robotic sleeve procedure is greatly facilitated by the dexterity and maneuverability of the robotic wristed instruments. It is performed with robotic assistance to lessen the size of the stomach to 15 percent and gives it the shape of a “sleeve” or “tube”, which holds very less food. This is a surgical procedure and involves a small incision in the stomach. The instruments are inserted and are used to remove the maximum part of your stomach.


The days you spend in hospital after surgery tend to be shorter with the less painful robotic approach. This procedure has reported rapid and effective weight loss results ranging from 60-70%, and better results are obtained with adherence to dietary and behavioral guidelines. With regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and right food choices, the weight loss can be well-maintained in the long term.

Why choose a robotic procedure?

Fewer complications

Quicker recovery

Shorter hospital stay

Reduced pain and risk of infection

Fewer incisions and scarring

Robotic Bypass

Robotic bypass is a weight loss surgery that involves creation of a small pouch from stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine. With smaller size of stomach, the patient feels fuller by eating less food. This is a restrictive strategy to hold the amount of food, which ultimately reduces calorie intake and induces weight loss. This surgery is considered for people with a body-mass index (BMI) greater than 40.

How It Works

Robotic bariatric bypass surgery is performed using the advanced da Vinci Robotic System. Robotic surgery uses small incisions instead of a large abdominal incision and therefore is less invasive than traditional bariatric surgery. The da Vinci robot is a surgical assistance tool that allows bariatric surgeons to perform weight loss surgery using computer-guided, magnified, 3-D visualization.


Robotic bypass usually has dramatic weight loss results. People reduce 60% of their extra weight after undergoing this surgery. Robotic bypass also improves other weight related health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea. At the same time, it requires lifestyle changes along with exercise routine.

Why choose robotic procedure?

Fewer complications

Quicker recovery

Shorter hospital stay

Reduced pain and risk of infection

Fewer incisions and scarring

Robotic Mini Gastric Bypass

Mini gastric bypass has gained a lot of attention over the last decades, especially because of the superior results in context to sustained weight loss and resolution of comorbidities. Robotic Mini Gastric Bypass is a minimally invasive procedure, requires less time in the operating room, is less prone to internal hernias, easily amenable to reversal, provides good metabolic and weight loss results. This procedure has a relatively bigger stomach pouch as compared to other surgeries, which gives you the luxury to eat the moderate volume of food and still lose significant weight.

How It Works

Mini gastric bypass works with the combination of restriction and malabsorption concept, that gives a two-way weight loss effect. 3D vision, state-of-the-art instruments, and the camera provides the surgeon with better dexterity and helps them to reach out to small spaces with a computer-controlled system. This variation of the gastric bypass has a different technique as it has a bigger gastric pouch and closes the significant portion of the stomach. It delays the process of emptying the stomach and results in longer fullness feeling.


This weight loss procedure brought a revolutionary change in the bariatric surgery as patients can start eating within days of bypass unlike being on a liquid diet for 6 weeks after traditional weight-loss surgeries. With the robotic mini-gastric bypass, about 60% to 80% excess weight can be reduced.

Why choose a robotic procedure?

Fewer complications

Quicker recovery

Shorter hospital stay

Robotic Revision

People who have already undergone bariatric surgery and are still not satisfied with the results, then, in such cases, revision surgery is suggested. Patients may experience dissatisfaction in weight-loss, any other complication or weight regain.
Let’s explain it here, there are some patients who may experience enlargement of stomach pouch after undergoing gastric bypass. In such cases, surgeons may revise this surgery and reduce the size of the pouch to bring back to the normal one.

How It Works

Using high-end robotic instruments, this procedure becomes easier and less time consuming for doctors. On the other hand, it is less painful and assures quicker improvement in the near future. It allows bariatric surgeons to perform revision surgery using computer-guided, magnified, 3-D visualization.


Robotic revision is performed safely without increased morbidity and with the added benefit of a minimally invasive approach. The robotic platform provides superior ergonomics and three-dimensional vision. Patients can get satisfactory results in weight loss after robotic revision surgery.